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Image by Luca Bravo

Event Calendar

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See Member Resources for Past Event Presentations

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Recent areas of focus for the SQA have included:

  • Active equities, factor investment, ETFs

  • Quantitative trading, Stat Arb, algorithmic execution & microstructure 

  • Macro and multi-asset investment

  • ESG

  • Risk management, portfolio construction and portoflio theory

  • Alternative data, big data and unstructured data

  • Data Science and ML

  • Quant infrastructure

  • State of the industry events

  • Recruitment events

In addition to the above, other areas of interest to the SQA for potential future events include: 

  • Quant Strategies in Crypto

  • Quant Private Equity

Please bookmark this page and check often for new events, join our distribution list or become a member.

To submit paper ideas or to get involved, please get in touch with us at: 

We Thank Our Supporters

We Thank Our Academic Affiliates

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We Thank Our Partners

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SQA is registered with GARP as an Approved Provider of

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits. 

Contact Us

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230 Washington Ave. Ext. Suite 101
Albany, NY 12203



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